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Catarsis - Art for Children and Youth was born in 2013 with the aim of promoting and spreading artistic languages through the creation and production of scenic shows, exhibitions, exhibitions and festivals that present excellence and artistic quality.
He began his career in producing and carrying out projects by other groups and for all audiences, but as of 2015, after participating in an artistic residency with the Italian group Principio Attivo Teatro, he has deepened his research and conducting copyright works focused on childhood and adolescence.
He currently has three shows in his repertoire: Scaratuja, for babies between 0 and 3 years old; It's All Family !, for children from five years old and their families, and In [Cubo], his most recent work focused on young people who, for now, have only debuted virtually.
It is associated with ASSITEJ Brasil, through the Brazilian Theater Center for Children and Youth (CBTIJ) and is part of the international networks Small Size Network and Vincular - Red Lationamericana de Creación Escénica for Los Primeros Años.


Journalist, writer, playwright and critic of children's theater

Dib Carneiro Neto

“As a children's theater critic, based in São Paulo and active in the press since the 1990s, I have seen many and varied assemblies of the Catarsis Group and, with complete confidence, I attest to the quality and seriousness of this collective, which has already given the audience with shows very high level, with artistic concepts of undeniable value for children and young people, as well as for their families. The creative way in which the group takes care of its productions stands out to everyone's eyes. As a specialist award judge, I have already nominated your shows in many categories over the past few years. The names involved - ahead of them, an artistic director of recognized talent, Marcelo Peroni - are professionals and artists that I know from the stage and backstage and always do irreparable work. Project with guaranteed success, to bet without fear or risk. ”

Training director of the Antonio Antonieta Cintra Gordinho Foundation and member of the state board of education

Ana Tereza Gavião

“Four years ago, I watched the play 'Scaratuja' and had the privilege of admiring the richness of details, the scenery, the sound effects of the actors, in short, the completeness of the narrative, which is so innovative and so respectful of the first childhood. And so I was also able to watch other Catarsis pieces, for example, 'It's all family!'. My great admiration for this company that maintains the quality, maintains the respect and the hundred languages of the child. A company formed by a group, such a contemporary company. ”

Claudio Marinho

Programming manager of Teatro Folha

“I wanted to say that I love being in the audience of Catarsis productions, because they are always very interesting works, works that bring relevance to society in relation to their themes and the aesthetic point of view, of the direction, of the dramaturgy, of the actors, everything is really very impeccable, everything really well thought out, to make an excellent communication with the public, so as a programming manager I observe all these details and like to offer Catarsis productions to the audience of Teatro Folha when I think always in the possibility of showing a quality show. ”

Live Theater Programmer

André Acioli

“The producer Catarsis has already been with me in the theater that I manage with the show 'Scaratuja', so as to be able to give credibility to the artistic quality and professionalism of the company.”

Playwright and theater director, chairman of the board of directors of the Brazilian theater center for children and youth - CBTIJ

Cleiton Echeveste

“I have known and followed Catarsis' work for some time and also its performance with the international Small Size performing arts network for early childhood. And precisely for this audience, one of the shows that I watched, the show 'Scaratuja', in its virtual format, which is a very thought-provoking proposal for this age group. I also watched the two versions, in person and virtual, of the show 'It's all family!' And I see that the recognition that the show has been having, the award and the virtual format itself, are a way of attesting the quality and consistency of Catarsis research and creation in early childhood art and for children and youth audiences. ”

Paula Zurawski

Actress, childhood researcher, trainer of educators working with early childhood education

“I got to know Catarsis Produções when I watched their show, which is 'Scaratuja', which was one of the shows that I analyzed in my doctoral thesis which is about theater for babies. And since that first contact with the Catarsis people, I was delighted with the seriousness, the commitment and the importance they give to a job well done in the theater, in this case with early childhood. Then they received me in Jundiaí for an interview, so I was able to confirm all this dedication, this interest, this seriousness of Catarsis productions and it got even stronger when I watched their show, 'It's all family!' which is a very well-maintained show from the point of view of language, direction, interpretation, theme, theme, and I was very delighted, I am a huge fan, I think Catarsis Produções provides a huge service from the point of view of creativity , from the point of view of these beautiful productions, so well cared for, not only for the theater for early childhood, which is the theater that is made for babies, but also the children's theater, for children and adolescents, because they also have productions for this age group , finally, for the theater, that this art that they master, that they know, that they research so well and that it is so important, is so missed by us at this moment that I am sure they will do it again in a beautiful way that that's what they do very well. ”

Catarsis - Art for Children and Youth

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